If you live in Arizona and happen to be a U.S. citizen who is Hispanic, I suggest you start wearing sunscreen. You might want to get rid of any clothes that suggest you are an illegal immigrant. Clothes that are splattered with paint, dirty clothes that might indicate you are a construction worker, and please resist from doing any yard work. Also, it wouldn't hurt to invest on voice lessons in order for you to sound more legal. Oh, and don't forget to dust off that ole' resume because your summer landscaping job, might land you in jail.
It's pathetic to see such a poorly written immigration law being passed. Not only is it implementing a police state but it's going against the immunities clause of the 14 Amendment, Sect 1 which states " No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." Just because Arizona is a border state, does that mean that the civil rights of Arizona citizens have to be violated, for the sake of the immigration law?
According to the document, "S.B. 1070 pursues only one goal -"attrition"-..." Attrition of what? Our civil rights?
This is a problem, U.S. citizens should not have to worry about being victims of routine stops. SB 1070 "...[requires], whenever practicable, the determination of immigration status during any lawful stop by the police where there is "reasonable suspicion." This indicates that at any time a cop may pull an Arizona citizen over, under the speculation that they look reasonably suspicious.
Where has the DHS been during these past few years? This problem did not erupt overnight. It has been a consistent issue facing our border states for years. They should have enforced strict policies in the past. Companies have been hiring illegal immigrants to work here in the U.S. under the "don't ask, don't tell," policy. So why aren't those companies fined for supporting this issue?
There were a lot of contributing factors to this problem and our only solution is some ridiculous immigration law.
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